Jul 5, 2009

About blogs

OK, I have been doing it for three years. My first blog was published on July 2, 2006; I have 123 entries since then. Did not keep track from the start, but in the last 6 months, the site had 836 Visits with 478 Absolute Unique Visitors, and 1,189 Page views. Here is a little stats table thanks to Google Analytics:

Count of visits from this visitor including current

Visits that were the visitor's nth visit

Percentage of all visits

1 times



2 times



3 times



4 times



5 times



6 times



7 times



8 times



9-14 times



15-25 times



26-50 times



51-100 times



What does it mean, exactly? Even though I don't get many comments, at least some people read it, which is already a good sign.

The plan was to keep a journal of things that I learned, and make my thought process a little more visible. At first, it included both ruminations about our own institution, and about all things educational. Then I created another blog on wider educational issues, and focused this one on what is of interest, mostly, to people with whom I work directly. But every week, I struggle with the same choice: what is interesting and amusing to me, may or may not be as equally amusing to others. That's the central tension of blogging as a new medium. Your old paper journal was never read by anyone else, so it did not mind being a little self-centered and narcissistic. The blog, however, is read by other people, and it becomes annoying if focused on the author entirely. However, it is not exactly a newspaper article, and must maintain a strong personal voice.

For example, last week, I spent a chunk of time working on two different grants, and of course, learned something new about that. I've also learned a lesson about how a small technical error at the beginning of the process can lead to a tense argument, misunderstanding, and to an unnecessary problem. I suppose, my conclusion could be like one of the two:

  • Projects, like children, disproportionally depend on early stages of their development. A right onset can go a long way in ensuring the project will grow strong and succeed.
  • People must not get annoyed with each other without first investigating the origin of their disagreement.

That has been, more or less, my formula. I take a case, and draw a conclusion – either a purely managerial one, or one with a human dimension. The blog entries become either a sermon or a short management article. But I always feel uneasy about the sermons, and am never sure if the management pieces are of interest to anyone.

So, if you're reading it in the middle of the summer, please give me some feedback – comment here, e-mail, or just tell me. Should I keep going? Why are you reading it? Is the blog helpful? Should I change it? Ger rid of sermons? Get rid of management? Keep both?

A reminder: Comments are moderated to protect the site from spam. All legitimate comments will appear, just after a short delay. Thanks!


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Sasha, I hope you will keep blogging. I love reading your blog, regardless of the topic, or your state of mind or emotion when you were writing. I like knowing what you're thinking about, and to get a glimpse into the reality of STE administration on a day-by-day basis. Most administrators seem to want to insulate themselves from their co-workers/employees. The result is that the employee feels acted upon, rather than acting with, those in place to make an organization work better. This can lead to mistrust, anxiety, and withdrawal, and from seeing and treating each other as human beings. So thank you for blogging, for communicating with us and with others who care to read these "columns."

  2. Lynette9:08 AM

    Sasha, please continue the blog! I find it extremely helpful as a new employee who doesn't know you very well yet. I learn so much about the 'ins & outs' of STE and the personalities of the department. Your blogs also stretch my understanding and beliefs about education in general. I really look forward the the weekly updates and blogs!

  3. Margo Barnhart9:31 AM

    Sasha, please continue to blog. It is informative and interesting to know what you are thinking regardless of the content. It is your act of constantly communicating with us that I admire the most! No matter how busy I am, I always make time to read your latest installment. Keep it up!

  4. Sasha, as you know, our little girl got a horse this summer. Another horse at the stable where Yoselin keeps her horse was purchased by the owner to be a racer. The horse was slow out of the gate, caught up in a quarter of a lap, because she is so fast, and then stayed with the pack and would not move into the lead. The trainer, Bonnie, who owns the horse said, "She lacked a competetive spirit and did not have the courage in her personality to move into the lead. Being in the lead means you are in charge of keeping the horses behind safe and gives them confidence that they are free of danger."

    So, thank you, for your blogs which always demonstrate that you are thinking about things and are in the "lead."
