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Feb 6, 2010

NCATE worries

Carolyn and I sat down to review the NCATE report we need to produce by May1. Even though the new process we're piloting seems to be simpler, there is a long list of documents and materials we need to produce. How long? - Exactly 54 categories, some if which require a few different documents; see below. Some of it we have, some we know where to get, and a few need work. And of course, there is the report itself, which runs about 45 pages and addresses the six NCATE standards.

Is this a useful exercise? Perhaps it did force us to collect and consider data. However, we used to collect a lot of useless data, just for the sake of compliance. We have a much better, cleaner system now. I just with NCATE, the national organization, would be more logical in their accreditation approach. For example, it has a standard on candidate's knowledge, skills, and dispositions, and then another one on the assessment system. But the only way to know your candidates know anything is to show some assessment instruments and data – exactly the same you need to show that you have an assessment system. Then they have the standard on field experiences – but those are also ways of ensuring our candidates learn, and we assess those as a part of the assessment system. Then there is a separate standard on diversity – which should really be an integral part of the standard on knowledge, skills, and dispositions. It just makes very little sense. Compare, for example, exhibits #7, 26, and 29. They ask for the catalog twice, etc. etc.

Anyway, we will produce the stuff; and we will get the national recognition. It probably will take a little more work than we expected. I will have to take some significant time away from running the everyday business of the School to do that. This is fine. I just wish the effort would be a little more meaningful in terms of the actual outcome. My worry is not about the amount of work, or the possible outcome; it is more about the usefulness of it all.

  1. Links to unit catalogs and other printed documents describing general education, specialty/content studies, and professional studies
  2. Syllabi for professional education courses
  3. Conceptual framework(s)
  4. Findings of other national accreditation associations related to the preparation of education professionals (e.g., ASHA, NASM, APA, CACREP)
  5. State program review documents and state findings. (Some of these documents may be available in AIMS.)
  6. Title II reports submitted to the state for the previous three years (Beginning with the 2010 annual report, Title II reports should be attached to Part C of the annual report and will be available to BOE teams in AIMS.)
  7. Key assessments and scoring guides used by faculty to assess candidate learning against standards and the outcomes identified in the unit's conceptual framework for programs not included in the national program review process or a similar state process
  8. Data tables and summaries that show how teacher candidates (both initial and advanced) have performed on key assessments over the past three years for programs not included in the national program review process or a similar state process
  9. Samples of candidate work (e.g., portfolios at different proficiency levels)
  10. Follow-up studies of graduates and data tables of results
  11. Employer feedback on graduates and summaries of the results
  12. List of candidate dispositions, including fairness and the belief that all students can learn, and related assessments, scoring guides, and data
  13. Description of the unit's assessment system in detail including the requirements and key assessments used at transition points
  14. Data from key assessments used at entry to programs
  15. Procedures for ensuring that key assessments of candidate performance and evaluations of unit operations are fair, accurate, consistent, and free of bias
  16. Policies and procedures that ensure that data are regularly collected, compiled, aggregated, summarized, analyzed, and used to make improvements
  17. Samples of candidate assessment data disaggregated by alternate route, off-campus, and distance learning programs
  18. Policies for handling student complaints
  19. File of student complaints and the unit's response (This information should be available during the onsite visit.)
  20. Examples of changes made to courses, programs, and the unit in response to data gathered from the assessment system
  21. Memoranda of understanding, contracts, and/or other documents that demonstrate partnerships with schools
  22. Criteria for the selection of school faculty (e.g., cooperating teachers, internship supervisors)
  23. Documentation of the preparation of school faculty for their roles (e.g., orientation and other meetings)
  24. Descriptions of field experiences and clinical practice requirements in programs for initial and advanced teacher candidates and other school professionals
  25. Guidelines for student teaching and internships
  26. Assessments and scoring rubrics/criteria used in field experiences and clinical practice for initial and advanced teacher candidates and other school professionals (These assessments may be included in program review documents or the exhibits for Standard 1. Cross reference as appropriate.)
  27. Proficiencies related to diversity that candidates are expected to develop
  28. Curriculum components that address diversity proficiencies (This might be a matrix that shows diversity components in required courses.)
  29. Assessment instruments, scoring guides, and data related to diversity (These assessments may be included in program review documents or the exhibits for Standard 1. Cross reference as appropriate.)
  30. Data table on faculty demographics (see example attached to NCATE's list of exhibits)
  31. Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty
  32. Data table on student demographics (see example attached to NCATE's list of exhibits)
  33. Policies and practices for recruiting and retaining diverse candidates
  34. Data table on demographics of P-12 students in schools used for clinical practice (see example attached to NCATE's list of exhibits)
  35. Policies, practices, and/or procedures that facilitate candidate experiences with students from diverse groups
  36. Data table on faculty qualifications (This table can be compiled in the online template from data submitted for national program reviews or compiled in Excel, Word, or another format and uploaded as an exhibit. The information requested for this table is attached to NCATE's list of exhibits.)
  37. Licensure information on school faculty (e.g., cooperating teachers, internship supervisors)
  38. Samples of faculty scholarly activities
  39. Summary of service and collaborative activities engaged in by faculty with the professional community (e.g., grants, evaluations, task force participation, provision of professional development, offering courses, etc.)
  40. Promotion and tenure policies and procedures
  41. Samples of forms used in faculty evaluation and summaries of the results
  42. Opportunities for professional development activities provided by the unit
  43. Policies on governance and operations of the unit
  44. Organizational chart or description of the unit governance structure
  45. Unit policies on student services such as counseling and advising
  46. Recruiting and admission policies for candidates
  47. Academic calendars, catalogs, unit publications, grading policies, and unit advertising
  48. Unit budget, with provisions for assessment, technology, and professional development
  49. Budgets of comparable units with clinical components on campus or similar units at other campuses
  50. Faculty workload policies
  51. Summary of faculty workloads
  52. List of facilities, including computer labs and curriculum resource centers
  53. Description of library resources
  54. Description of resources for distance learning, if applicable


  1. Dude: That's a ridiculous list.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    That is a very depressing list Sasha.
